Über uns

Our philosophy

Fabio und Joost auf der Treppe sitzend

Our oboe studio is the address for every oboist who emphasizes to own an instrument that promises complete satisfaction.

Regardless whether professional musician or beginner, rediscoverer or enthusiastic amateur musician – every oboist is welcome.

Our passion for the family of the oboe and the skill for fancywork with the instruments in combination with many years of experience as an oboist/oboe repairer speaks in our favour as a professional and competent contact.

Our new instruments are specifically selected and personally tested, adjusted and improved if necessary. We maintain personal and direct contact with the largest and most important oboe companies in Europe.

Used instruments are, depending on their condition and brand, included in our assortment, overhauled if necessary and offered for sale.

For a general overhauling you can expect about 8 – 10 days work. Smaller overhaulings can be done in a shorter period of time.

Repairs, adjustments, improvement of intonation and instrument estimations will be done promptly, at best on the same day.

We would like to welcome you in our studio – please make an appointment by telephone. You also have the possibility to send your instrument to us fully insured. From our studio, if required, the instruments can be sent back by UPS including transport insurance. This practice has proved it’s worth very well.

We offer new instruments of the following companies: Buffet Crampon, Rigoutat, Lorée and Bulgheroni.

We speak German, Italian, Dutch, Spanish, French and English.

Porträt von Fabio Croce vor einer alten Scheune
Fabio Croce was born in Italy, started learning music at a young age and was accepted at the Conservatorio in Novara (I) already at the age of 14. He studied oboe with professors Renzo Turola, Daniele Scanziani. This was followed by a master’s degree at the conservatoire in Karlsruhe under the supervision of professor Georg Meerwein. Later he attended several master classes of Bruno de Rosa, Stefan Schilli, Alex Klein, Isaac Duarte and David Seghezzo. He is a laureate as a soloist and together with chamber music ensembles at various international competitions. He has demonstrated his ability as a solo oboist and cor anglais player with theatres, symphony orchestras, chamber orchestras and professional wind orchestras in Italy, Switzerland and Germany. Numerous concert-tours have taken him to Europe, Asia and South America.

At present he works as an oboist and English Horn player with the Landespolizeiorchester Baden-Württemberg and the German Winds Orchestra.

From the beginning of 2018 he has been working with the renowned oboe builder and repairer Joost Reijns and he is mainly dedicated to the repair and sale of oboes, cors anglais and oboes d’amore. At the beginning of the year 2023 he has taken over the studio of Joost Reijns.

He is much valued as an oboe repairman and is in demand for workshops as well as a lecturer and also as reed expert and director.

Joost Reijns grew up with music, his father was an oboist and cor anglais player in the Residence Orchestra The Hague and his mother was a pianist. Joost first learned the cello and later the double bass, which he still plays to date. objective of aircraft construction, but later, through music, he was trained as an oboe builder, -finisseur and -repairer by an excellent teacher from the renowned Rigoutat company in Paris, whereby the focus was on the mechanics and intonation of the instruments. Since 1975 the name Joost Reijns now represents perfection in oboe building and repair. In 1983 he moved his workshop to the Allgäu region of Germany, where, in addition to repairing instruments, he spent many years building and finishing oboes single-handedly for direct sale for the companies Rigoutat and Lorée. His expertise is based on a very long experience. This enables him to overhaul and repair oboes of all brands down to the smallest details. His client base extends far beyond the German borders.
Porträt von Joost