We are a “proshop” selected by the companies Buffet Crampon and Rigoutat – warranty for high quality by excellent oboe manufacturers
We maintain close collaboration with the company Lorée and Bulgheroni – warranty for best quality and top instruments
You will obtain two year manufacturer warranty* on mechanics and wood
Interesting discounts for all new instruments
We offer the following special services:
New instruments will be tested by us with respect to intonation, sound quality and mechanical fluency and improved, adapted and fine-tuned, if necessary
Additional inspection, fine-tuning and improvement of intonation at no charge for the duration of the manufacturer’s warranty*
Samll repairs may be performed shortly according to prior agreement
Please contact us, we are at your disposal for questions and special requests anytime.
* Not included in the manufacturer’s warranty are damages caused by personal negligencei, i.e., damages which can be traced back to improper handling of the instrument